Pediatric Dental Fillings

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Dental fillings play a crucial role in preserving precious smiles and ensuring your child’s overall wellbeing. Pediatric dental fillings are great solution for treating cavities in children’s teeth. Cavities, often caused by poor oral hygiene and sugary diets, can lead to discomfort and potential long-term dental issues if left untreated. Our experienced pediatric dentist and team are skilled in providing gentle and compassionate care to ensure your child’s comfort throughout the filling procedure.

We prioritize using tooth-colored composite fillings that seamlessly blend with your child’s natural teeth, offering both aesthetic and functional benefits. These modern fillings not only restore the tooth’s integrity but also enhance its appearance. Dr. Smit Dangaria will start by drilling away the decayed portion of the tooth. Once cleaned, he will fill in the tooth with the filling solution in order to stabilize and strengthen the natural tooth while looking like natural enamel.

Our commitment to utilizing the latest techniques and child-friendly approaches sets us apart as a trusted destination for pediatric dental care at Shining Stars Kids Dental. Call 323-922-2260 to schedule an appointment with us today to learn about our pediatric dental fillings in Los Angeles, California, if your child has a cavity. We look forward to helping you and your child.

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Give us a call to schedule your child’s next appointment. Our pediatric dentist and team will be happy to see you!